You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I may already be a winner!!!

Well, as you may have noticed, I am a proud winner of NaNoWriMo, or as we winners call it, the bloody ******* National Novel Writing Month contest. (Only kidding, every sleepless night was a privilege...I just had a few asterisks left over from Nixon's dialogue).

Anyway, I got a lovely virtual certificate in which I can pen my own name, and some graphics, of which are below (if Blogger will allow me to upload the bleeding things) and will appear in a prominent place by my name on the site.

Now I'm off to sleep a few days, in betwixt my real employment. (Surely you didn't believe we get paid for this. Fiction!)

Stew, you'll have to pick up the slack as Nuffy is unavoidably detained.

Cheers all!

Your friend,

Earl Fando

Co-Editor, Contributor, and Novelist
The Dictionary of Unfortunate Ideas

P.S. Hopefully this is a sign of prizes to come (Hint, Hint!!)


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