You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Christmas travelling is over...

...and about time too. I'm fairly tired of not having regular Internet access. My huge fear was that something really ridiculous was going to come along and I'd be stuck at a relative's home or a hotel room, unable to quickly comment on it.

So, a little housekeeping is order and this includes a request from our faithful fans (all 3 of you) and my fellow DOUI bloggers, two of whom have not been seen in months (You know who you are Juan Carlos and Zimpter.)

  • First, in honour of the upcoming first anniversary of DOUI, I'm going to put up a post linking to our best from the past year. So, if you have a favourite DOUI post or two or 12, please e-mail me at and let me know what they are. Please include the link, so I don't have to dig it up myself. Stew and the others (if you are listening), send me your favourites as well and I'll get the post up in the next week or so. I will add a permanent link to this "Best of" post on the sidebar in a prominent location as well, so you can easily find it.
  • Second, the 2006 Bloggies are coming soon. The website won't be up until January 1st or so, so you'll hear more then. This is your chance to nominate us for a real blogging award. FYI - We request that you nominate us for Best Humour Blog or, if you submit more than one category nomination for us, Best New Blog. We haven't a prayer of Blog of the Year. We just want to be noticed. The love and adoration of you, our dedicated fans will carry us through these lean years prior to the beginning of our world blog domination.
  • Third, I just realized this particular post was rather dry, so I'd like to quickly add that Tom Cruise is a publicity whore. And a complete nutter. And shorter than all the DOUI posters except for Zimpter, who Stew cannot see without magnification. Not a bad actor though, we give him that, despite Mission Impossible 2 and Endless Love.
  • Fourth, I suppose we'll do some other "End of Year" stuff around here as well. It's really pointless you know. Nuttiest celebrities, strangest news stories, most peculiar seafowl of 2005, that sort of thing.
  • Fifth, just in case I forget... Happy New Year! My apologies if that offends those of you who are Chinese, Jewish, Islamic, or Martian, as your New Year's celebrations come at different times (and in the latter case, not nearly as often...please don't disentegrate me for noticing that.) Remember to not drink and drive, and please try not to blow yourselves up with fireworks. Those of you visiting Times Square in New York City, please give Regis and Dick Clark my warmest greetings. Let me amend that slightly, lest you warmest platonic greetings. The last thing I want is someone running up and French-kissing Regis and claiming it was from me. That will keep me off Live with Regis and Kelly Lee for good.
  • Sixth...there is NO sixth point! Old joke I know, but it's late and I must dash.


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