You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

An anniversary challenge to our fan(s)

The first anniversary of the Dictionary of Unfortunate Ideas is coming up tomorrow on January, and, in addition to the fireworks, F-16 flyover, and Sandra Bullock and Lindsay Lohan doing the Dance of the Seven Veils (still subject to negotiation with their representatives), we thought it would be a good idea for YOU to get involved.

That would be YOU, the person or possibly persons who actually intended to come to this page, as opposed to "you" the people who accidentally got here via "Next Blog" or a Cameron Diaz search... although you are welcome to participate if it doesn't sicken you.

Here's the deal - We have two things we'd like you to do:

  • Tell us YOUR favorite DOUI post of 2005. We recommend that you start by perusing The Best of DOUI for 2005 and work your way outward from there, but any post that you like will be acceptable. Send them to We'll tabulate the result... erm, I mean results, the thousands and thousands of results!!!... and post the winner, the Best Post of 2005 as chosen by you, our readers, on Wednesday, January 25.
  • Send us an e-mail telling why you enjoy DOUI! Send them to and we'll choose the best one and publish it and the winner's name on the blog on the 25th as well. Be as funny or as emotionally moved, or as shamelessly flattering as you like. Please do not submit pictures of yourselves in or out of costume. We just want words, and any cash you care to include. Note: Sending an e-mail for this purpose will automatically constitute permission to publish your full name on the blog.
  • If no one responds to either of these requests, we'll make up something and pretend it's a real e-mail, just to save face. We may be ridiculous nincompoops with a penchant for embarrassing ourselves, but we do have some pride.

So c'mon and get in the show, the DOUI show!!!

Update: Where are you people? We've extended the deadline until Tuesday night.


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