You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Biggest Surprises in Brokeback Mountain...

...aside from the gay angle that Jesse completely missed while he was out getting corn dogs and dill pickles. (I'm kidding Jesse, just kidding!). In the spirit of a Letterman Top Ten list:

10. Not as much leather as some might expect.

9. The cowboys reenact the flatulence scene from "Blazing Saddles".

8. Everyone rides side-saddle.

7. Alec Baldwin cameo.

6. Unusual catch phrase: "There's bacon in them beans!"

5. Not a single horsewhippin'

4. The candygram scene with Mongo.

3. All the indians are straight as an arrow. No pun intended.

2. Eminem and Elton John duet.

1. No one actually breaks anyone's back... Not even euphemistically.


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