You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Monday, February 27, 2006

You should have held out for a big hamhock and a case of beans!

If you thought you were undervalued at work, then pity poor defender Marius Cioara who was traded from Romanian second division football club UT Arad to fourth division Regal Horia for 15 kilograms of meat.

No word on what kind of meat it was, but I suspect that if Cioara is a half-decent player that it was bacon... If not, then some kind of fatty gristle.

The ironic thing is that UT Arad got the better of the deal. As soon as Cioara was sent packing for his new team, he quit football and moved to Spain to take up a career in agriculture or construction. Rumour has it that he's going to build blocks of Mediterranean flats out of lamb shanks. They'll be colorful, even if they smell a bit in the long run.

So, Regal Horia is out 15 kilos of meat and short one at the back. As the team representative put it in an interview, "We are upset because we lost twice - firstly because we lost a good player and secondly because we lost our team's food for a whole week."

Well, and your dignity...Don't forget about that.


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