You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Friday, May 13, 2005

And they'll have two more, and so on, and so on

Twins Mary Maurer and Melanie Glavich have continued the family tradition by having baby boys on exactly the same day, only 35 minutes apart. The happy mothers, said that it was all a matter of meticulous planning and that the boys would be continuing the tradition when they grew up as well, "if they knew what was good for them."

"Do you know how hard it is to time labor down to the hour?" said Dr. Gingko Kookstrom, a family friend and practicing OB/GYN/Podiatrist. "They were up and down, walking and pushing and comparing centimeters to try to stay together. It was both exhilarating and disgusting!"

The twin moms say that their next goal is to have two sets of twins at the same time, then perhaps triplets if they can work out the immense mathematical calculations and biological engineering involved. "If necessary, we'll move to Massachusetts, where we can get the necessary state assistance."

There is no truth to the rumour that Mrs. Maurer and Glavic are themselves conjoined, at least not physically.


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