You mess with Harpo Marx, you get the horns.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Is this why Donald never wears pants?

photo "courtesy" of MSNBC (shhhhh!)

The gay marraige craze continues to sweep the nation as well-known actor-comedian Steve Martin and beloved legend Donald Duck were joined together in an unofficial California ceremony today.

Afterwards, Martin pointed out that he's not even gay. "I just couldn't resist the opportunity to share a part of this amazing duck's life. Plus, the guy is nearly 80. He's bound to kick the bucket soon and leave me with a fortune!"

The wedding was attended by numerous celebrities, including Goofy, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donald Trump, Whoopi Goldberg, Tinky Winky, Cher, Ozzy Ozbourne, and Arianna Huffington, who was later escorted out, as she had no invitation.

In a related story, Daisy Duck filed suit in an Anaheim court against Donald for "breach of promise" extending over fifty years. Mr. Duck could not be reached for comment as he was on his honeymoon at Knottsberry Farms.Posted by Hello


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